Hey, I'm Heather!  I'm a family photographer and my studio is located in Lannon, Wisconsin! Photography has always been a huge part of my life..I'm the goofy loud girl always behind the camera! Becoming a mother, I have learned how quickly these special little people grow and that capturing these young years and on are so important! Which is why my love for photography has developed into this little business that I am so very thankful for!

My Family

My hubby and our 2 beautiful girls, I love you!

-Not pictured our 2 English Bulldogs and 6 fish

My love for Photography.

Photography and documenting life moments is my passion! I love capturing you in this moment in time. I will get loud, take breaks, be silly, be quiet, be awkward, fall and pretend to hurt myself...I definitely try to make your session fun and relaxed!